Reading Lolita in Tehran - Azar Nafisi - September meeting
All summer long I'd walk past Kramerbooks and see this in the window so wanted to read it - thanks for bookclub for agreeing to it. I believe our meeting is scheduled for September 30 (Thursday) at 6:30 at Sheila's house (though that may change due to Back to School night that week). I just checked it out from the library and like the beginning ...
I'm here!!! ^_^ (This is Gail, by the way. Those who don't know...Gummy-anything usually means...Gail. ^_^)
I suppose I post here, since we're talking about the book that we're currently reading for book club. I'm starting this book so far, and though I think the tone is a little slow, I like it. There's rich use of language, and lots of color imagery in there! And I looove color! =) I also wish I had a mirror that reflected nearby snowy mountains. =)
I'm not too far into it, but they did mention the book A Thousand and One Nights. I've never read it, though I've read a "spinoff" of it - a book I got through those book orders at school, titled "The Storyteller's Daughter", by Cameron Dokey. It's actually really good, and the language it uses brings you into the story, as if you were there. =) If you have time, and want to check out (a fast read! I was captivated immediately!) a world woven with arabian nights, mystery, a little bit o' romance and love and what not, let me know! ^_^
Yes - I don't think I've read Storyteller's Daughter, but it's on my shelf to read on some airplane trip. I have two copies of Arabian Nights - remind me to bring them (I used to use them as a hook into literacy - and Sheherezade is my shero!).
I'm going to check out Lolita from the library - I need to read it again. I'm loving the literary criticism in the book, but it makes me want to refer back to original texts. I find I'm reading it slowly, the "Reading Lolita in Tehran," probably because of the imagery that Gail mentioned - I want to absorb it. I want to think about the lit crit and all that. (Or maybe I'm distracted by all my homework and fun parties?? - thanks, Jeffrie, for a GREAT time!!)
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